
There are no baking projects available at this moment. 



Hello and welcome to Crowdfunding page of Ecoolife


Sometimes, In this page you are going to find projects that we are baking, you just need to choose the project of your interest and Click in the picture, and it will bring you direct to our page in INDIGO-GO crowdfunding website. 


It works like that;


After click the picture, you are going to go to Indigo-go crowdfunding. There, you are going to have another video that will explain for you everything about this project you choose. And if you decide there to be one of our bakers, you are going to be asked a small amount, that will be for sure much less, than the price we are planning for this product after the production phase. 


In other words, you will be helping us to accomplish our project, and as recognition of your help, you are going to receive the relative product,  before anyone, and for a cost price.


So, that resumes our crowdfunding page.


Thank you very much for your time and interest, I wish you a great baking,


And welcome to Ecoolife.





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