You must believe in what you are selling. Be passionate about your business and your customers will be excited too. As you build your sales strategy, keep in mind that every costumer has a unique method evaluation. Train yourself at home, speaking with the mirror about the importance of your product for the world, and how your costumer will profit with our product.
A baker understands bread, an environmentalist loves his planet.
Low pressure.
Pushy high pressure sales people are not welcome by buyers. Educate your customers about the features and values of Ecoolife. and always have an item with you anywhere you go, and be ready to sell it to anyone. Demonstrating your product in person, allows the buyer to test out the product and will make your visit more efficient. Explain why they should buy from you, and never talk badly about the competition. Keeping the focus on your product and how superior, durable, less expensive and ecological it is.
Ask questions and let the client do the talking, Give them your undivided attention and find out what is most important to them. Once you get an idea of what they're looking for in a product or service, you can adjust your sales pitch accordingly.
Helping buyers save their company money is usually one reason. Providing them with exceptional customer service and prompt delivery might be at the top of their list. Listening to your customers requests could open the door for additional Ecoolife products to increase your business.
Know your business.
In <Go-eco> you are going to find all explanation of environmentalism, what is ecology, reactive and proactive measures and how your product is part of a solution to save our planet and to increase the power of governments. Repeat the example gave on < Go-Eco> to your costumer, using your words, but remember to avoid heavy talking. Keep abreast of new ecological facts. Let your customers know you are informed, and motivated in all aspects of the business that you are representing, and let they know that they can come to you if they have any questions.
Build a long term relationship with your costumers
Get to know your customers. In a world of big box stores and online competition, you can remind customers that they are not just a number, they are special. Every costumer is different, some like jokes, some don't, try to adequate your presentation to your costumer. Pay attention to their interests and hobbies. Keep a file on each customer to remind you of the little things before you call them. It is a friendly way to show them you care, and may produce a few extra deals.
Keep you costumer informed
Pay attention to spending habits and pay them a visit just before their next order is about to be placed. Separe couple ours a day to care about your costumers, to call them, or maybe to just say hello at anytime that you are close to their shop. Keep all customers informed. Be sure you let them know they can contact you if they have questions. Provide the client with your cell phone and email address, or any other way to find you. Staying up to date with their product or service needs could give you the edge you need to beat out the competition.
Customer Relations.
Customer history records are important to your business. Records can be stored manually in the office, even using paper and pen, but to be more productive, consider to organize it, for making it possible its access at anytime. Organize your customers starting with the initial contact point. Buying trends can be monitored by watching dates and quantities of each order.
Ask for the Business
Whether you are on the phone or making a personal visit, always ask the customer for an order at the end of your visit. You've likely done the leg work - don't miss out on an opportunity...
Well, this is a very good start, but there is much more to learn. You can research the internet for more technics and important tips to always leave a good impression. Never be afraid to receive a no as an answer, anyway, if you be really good in what you do, you rarely receive a no, it will be a yes or maybe. Be positive, and don't forget that you must to understand about your business, so, go now to our page <Go-eco> and keep your understanding and commitment with the environment tuned.