I believe that you already know how our platform work, anyway, if you didn't have the opportunity to meet our platform, you are going to find a good explanation in about us.
In this page, I am going to explain the business opportunity that you are going to find in Ecoolife as a developer, and also about the rules that you must to follow and what you can expect from Ecoolife.
As you already know, here in Ecoolife we motivate companies or creative individuals to create the most perfect ecological products. And in Ecoolife, all developers must to create two versions of the same invention, one version will be more sophisticated and it will belong exclusively to the developer, and the other version will be donated as an opportunity for poor and unemployed people.
To be sure of the success of our beneficiaries, Ecoolife created a simple system of evaluation using the social media, the 80 seconds evaluation. Your company will be producing two short videos in total, one to teach poor people how to produce your donated version, and the other video to help you on your global survey, where you are going to present your product to all social media, asking them to dedicate 80 seconds on a evaluation. With the data that will be collected from this 80 seconds evaluation, ecoolife will be able to tell each beneficiary the acceptance of your product on their region, and in the same time your company will be receiving visitors on your website from all voters, looking for your version of the product, giving to your company recognition, consolidating your brand and increasing the sells of other products or services that you may have. Since your company will be the responsible of sharing our post entitled " Save the planet in 80 seconds° you are free to invest how much you want and to use the name as Ecoolife in your website, advertisements, etc... for the time that you be a developer.
The easy version that will be donated must to be very easy manufacturable, and all the pieces must to be available for purchasing on the most famous and global retailer websites, since it will allow all beneficiaries to find those pieces easily.
Since your product must to be developed respecting all the 10 standards of Ecoolife, the provability that people will love your product is very high.
The motivation that will boost the number of voters, are the profits that they are also going to have. The creation of excellent business opportunity, and the increasing of environmentalism and social behavior in all globe will reduce the expenses of their government with many reactive measures, what consequently will increase their power of investing on proactive measures, what subsequently will increase the quality of life of all voters with only 80 seconds of their time.
One thing that is good for you to have in mind is that once that you engage in this platform, it would be impossible for you to take back the easy manufacturable version of your product. You can take your version out of Ecoolife, but the easy manufacturable version will belong exclusively to all Ecoolife beneficiaries.
So, think about it, it is a incredible opportunity to iconize your name, and you can be sure that we are going to give ou best to make this the most profitable business for you.
Well, I would like to thank you for your time, and be free to contact me at anytime.
Your Ecoolife.
To contact Ecoolife click here